

Here for Friendship?

Join us for the 5-week online friendship class, on Tuesday nights @ 7 pm to start your journey towards deeper self-awareness, reliable friends, powerful discussions, and a supportive community. 


Here for Self-Development?

See what events we have coming up! We host Women’s Empowerment Brunches, an Annual Inspirational Fashion Show, Vision & Mission Board Parties, & Self-Development Workshops.


See what these Women have to Say

“Fame and fortune don’t guarantee happiness, but research proves that good friendships can”


I highly recommend the Friendship Class to anyone looking to create a community of friends. – Sam W.

Through Moni, I have been able to meet and build relationships with wonderful people that I would not have had in my life otherwise. Moni knows how to use her warmth, knowledge, and skills to cultivate an environment that is welcoming to all and speaks to those who are seeking to build authentic connections.


 If you want to feel yourself, take the friendship class!

When I arrived in Seattle, I knew nobody. I had the chance to meet Moni and the community of women she is building and it has been awesome for me.


If you’re shy or just having a hard time making friends here, take the Friendship Class. – Briana M.

Being a part of the Friendship Community Moni has built has been amazing for me. I moved to the Seattle area in 2021, I did not know anyone and was having a very hard time meeting people. The Seattle freeze is real. After joining I have been able to make many good friends, I follow on social media and look forward to hanging out with.


Moni has been instrumental in creating the friendships that I have developed, and she can also help you to find your “tribe” by taking The Friendship Class. -Rita

Being a part of the friendship community has allowed me to be more social and connect individually with those who I truly vibe with. It has also made it possible for me to meet women with different perspectives, which makes life pretty interesting. I hope to form stronger bonds as we continue to be friends.


If you are looking to show up in friendships that don’t drain you, and you attract your people take The Friendship Class. ~ Alena G

Moni has taught me about showing up in friendships. I really struggled with overthinking and not feeling comfortable to start a conversation with a stranger and this caused me to avoid being in social settings. I learned that it’s ok to be me, that sometimes all that matters is your presence, your people will gravitate to you. I have made authentic friendships, we don’t


I just want anyone who is thinking about taking the Friendship Class to just do it! Jump in and join us!~Julie E.

Before I met Moni I felt very alone in Seattle. I had moved there about a year before from San Diego before I joined Moni’s group and I only had a few family members and only two friends that I had made in a full year. I joined her group The Eastside SheTribe Friendship Community after going to a


Tired of one-way friendships that drain you rather than fill you?  Do you yearn for friendships that feel supportive and mutually beneficial?  Definitely take the Friendship class! ~Xena E.

Moni and I have been friends for almost 3 years and what I have learned from her regarding friendship is that true friendship becomes solidified through genuine care, integrity, reciprocity, and self-accountability.  


She gives you an amazing insight to understand what actual friendship is. Moni has a great heart and an awesome mindset. If you want to build strong and real friendships which could be even your family members, then I would absolutely suggest Moni’s friendship class to take. It is completely worth your time. Give yourself an opportunity to recognize your real friend and build strong relationships. Because this class is the one. ~Beyhan C

Moni has taught me many things such as patience, understanding, and receiving as much as giving about friendship. I joined her Eastside SheTribe Community last year 2022. I was just myself and needed to find my people, my real friends.

Beyhan C.

If you’re a woman tired of doing everything alone, take Moni’s Friendship Class.

Before meeting Moni, I felt like it was impossible as an over-50 woman working for myself to make new friends. Now with Moni’s help I have gotten to know quite a few women I really connect with and want to hang out with.


Hi, I'm Moni

Moni is a lover of people, invigorating events, inspiring quotes, dancing & ice cream!

She gets massive joy through connecting people to resources that enrich their lives and propels them to greater.

As a natural connector & visionary she continually creates spaces for people to belong, learn, grow & have fun through events, programs and coaching.

She’s a mother to four amazing young adults who — besides the commitment to herself — are her reasons for pursuing every dream, vision and goal.

Owner of Evolve with Moni LLC she is an Event Host, Public Speaker and Empowerment Coach.

She is also the Founder of the R.A.R.E. Women’s Empowerment Community. A community dedicated to empowering women in every area of life, assisting them in finding and embracing their authentic selves so than can lead deeply fulfilling lives.

She has empowered & equipped many through her life-changing programs & events for over twenty years.

Her down-to-earth, personable style of connecting creates safe places that people leave from energized with more joy, hope, tools for success, inspiration and an authentic sense of belonging. 

“I’m here to fulfill my purpose and building R.A.R.E. connections, friendships, and communities that change lives for the better is a big part of that. Come meet me at an event, I’d love to connect with you and connect you to others.” ~ Moni 


Set the standard of reliability which is the foundation of trust and key to building dependable relationships.


Dare to expect what you offer, dare not what you don't.


Break the confines! Being 100% you in every room is beautiful empowering freedom - for you and others.


Defy the inevitable things that bring you down by choosing friends who lift you up!


I am a People Connector & Community Builder based in Bellevue, WA who went from having ZERO friends in Bellevue, WA when I moved here in 2021 to building a COMMUNITY OF RELIABLE FRIENDS in less than a year despite the “Seattle Freeze” stigma. 

Founder of the Eastside SheTribe of Reliable Friends, Event Host, and Empowerment Coach

I love the privilege of loving & empowering people!

I’m here to fulfill my purpose and building R.A.R.E. connections, friendships, and communities that change lives for the better is a big part of that.

Come learn more about them in the Friendship Class!


Set the standard of reliability which is the foundation of trust and key to building dependable relationships.


Break the confines! Being 100% you in every room is beautiful empowering freedom - for you and others.


Dare to expect what you offer, dare not what you don't.


Defy the inevitable things that bring you down by choosing friends who lift you up!

Winning in Friendship

Who you're connected to matters...

Your ideal friends exist. Come learn how to attract them!

Say goodbye to fakes, flakes, ghosters and haters!

start WINNING IN FRIENDSHIP! Attend  “The Friendship Class” online, Tuesday Nights @ 7 pm

Good friendships are priceless. Long-lasting friendships are R.A.R.E.

There is no more profitable investment than investing in yourself. It is the best investment you can make; you can never go wrong with it. It is the true way to improve yourself to be the best version of you and lets you be able to best serve those around you.”
~ Roy T. Bennet

  • June 27, 2019