

The proof is in the pudding…

This class is for women of every ethnicity, age, status and stage.

“Fame and fortune don’t guarantee happiness, but research proves that good friendships can”

I highly recommend the Friendship Class to anyone looking to create a community of friends. – Sam W.

Through Moni, I have been able to meet and build relationships with wonderful people that I would not have had in my life otherwise. Moni knows how to use her warmth, knowledge, and skills to cultivate an environment that is welcoming to all and speaks to those who are seeking to build authentic connections.

Moni is a wonderful friend who has a heart and mind for how to build connections and community with others. Having known Moni for almost a year I have gotten to experience and witness her genuine self, a person who is empowering and truly compassionate for others. Moni draws in an amazing community of people and makes it easy to connect with her and others with a similar interest in investing in genuine friendships.


If you’re shy or just having a hard time making friends here, take the Friendship Class. – Briana M.

Being a part of the Friendship Community Moni has built has been amazing for me. I moved to the Seattle area in 2021, I did not know anyone and was having a very hard time meeting people. The Seattle freeze is real. After joining I have been able to make many good friends, I follow on social media and look forward to hanging out with. The events Moni organizes are always fun and it’s very easy to meet new people and see old friends!


If you want to connect with similar groups of reliable people who inspire you to live your happiest most daring self, take the friendship class! ~ Drishti W.

Connecting to Moni and the Friendship Community she has built has brought together the reliable and supportive community I’ve been desperately looking for. I’d been lost trying to find people who could understand me and be empathetic towards my struggles. I kept reading about people having these wonderful communities which they could turn to and get reliable advice and vigor for life but was unable to find. 

Connecting with Moni brought me those connections for myself. Her inspiring events and endearing activities for the group helped bring us together and build bonds which help us see ourselves grow to the pinnacle of our potential. The people from the Friendship community know in depth the struggle for finding such trustworthy folks who are willing to go the extra step to be there for you. A call from one of them brings an added spring to my steps 🙂


Hence, for anyone who feels lost, devalued, or discouraged. Don’t hesitate to talk to Moni and take the Friendship Class. ~Ruo Yun W.

I moved to the USA, and I struggled. I am an unemployed mum surrounded by people close to me who doubt, judge, and devalue every decision I make. It made me feel incompetent. 

Then, I bumped into the “Eastside SheTribe Friendship Community” group event that Moni was hosting. Moni has such a fantastic character. She attracts people who want to be positive. I appreciate this group because I met many incredible, joyful women who do not hesitate to share their stories and encourage others to overcome obstacles. I learned life is a rollercoaster; feeling lost and discouraged is okay. But what’s more important is to find the right group of circle friends who support you in the lows and highs of your life.

I am more grateful for myself than ever. Moni once said, ‘Nothing is impossible; go out there and chase your goals.’ so now, I’m a mum and work in three jobs that I am passionate about (Health Care and Financial Industry). I would never have achieved it without Moni’s encouragement and belief in me. She has such a good heart. She’s a people person. As Warren Buffett said, “Invest in as much of yourself as you can; you are your own biggest asset by far,”


I just want anyone who is thinking about taking the Friendship Class to just do it! Jump in and join us!. ~Julie E.

We are all here for each other and we are all good friends. And you can never have too many girlfriends that will support each other and that are reliable and that are truly there for you. 

See you soon in The Friendship Class. Get prepared to make good solid friendships and feel supported and loved

Before I met Moni I felt very alone in Seattle. I had moved there about a year before from San Diego before I joined Moni’s group and I only had a few family members and only two friends that I had made in a full year. I joined her group The Eastside SheTribe Friendship Community after going to a few of her events I finally felt at home for the first time in Seattle. I felt so supported by Moni and her group. She went out of her way to make me feel welcomed and cared for and I was and am so thankful to have her in my life! Last year (yes it’s been over a year now since I met her and joined her Tribe!)

 I felt so alone before she came into my life and as soon as I joined her and her Tribe I had so many different plans of places to go and made so many new reliable friends in her group that I was no longer lonely. She had so many different types of events to go to with her and her group. She goes out of her way to make everything interesting and heartfelt and filled with laughter and joy. She changed my second year in Seattle from one of loneliness to one of happiness and feeling supported and fulfilled and appreciated! I don’t know what I would have done without her and her wonderful group of powerful strong women! I got off of a dating site and decided it was way more important to have girlfriends than boyfriends! And I was 100% right!


If you are looking to show up in friendships that don’t drain you, and you attract your people take The Friendship Class. ~ Alena G

Moni has taught me about showing up in friendships. I really struggled with overthinking and not feeling comfortable to start a conversation with a stranger and this caused me to avoid being in social settings. I learned that it’s ok to be me, that sometimes all that matters is your presence, your people will gravitate to you. I have made authentic friendships, we don’t have to talk every day but we know that when we see each other, it’s like we just hung out yesterday.

Moni is a wonderful friend who has a heart and mind for how to build connections and community with others. Having known Moni for almost a year I have gotten to experience and witness her genuine self, a person who is empowering and truly compassionate for others. Moni draws in an amazing community of people and makes it easy to connect with her and others with a similar interest in investing in genuine friendships.


Moni has been instrumental in creating the friendships that I have developed, and she can also help you to find your “tribe” by taking The Friendship Class. -RITA

Being a part of the friendship community has allowed me to be more social and connect individually with those who I truly vibe with. It has also made it possible for me to meet women with different perspectives, which makes life pretty interesting. I hope to form stronger bonds as we continue to be friends.


Tired of fake folks take The Friendship Class. – Amanda R.

Monica is an authentic friend; she has always been consistent in our friendship. I have known Monica for over 10 years, and throughout that time Monica has always been her true, authentic, and consistent self.

In a world where people change like shifting winds or friendships are determined by how many followers you have; I have always been able to count on Monica to be unapologetically herself.

Through the good, bad, and ugly in friendships, it takes someone who has their mind made up, they are in it with you regardless and the only way to do that is by being yourself. Just like anything that is considered rare and of value, it is authentic, 100% real with no additives to take away or dilute its value. When you have friends in your life of this caliber, they are worth treasuring.


Tired of one-way friendships that drain you rather than fill you?  Do you yearn for friendships that feel supportive and mutually beneficial?  Definitely take the Friendship class! ~Xena E.

Moni and I have been friends for almost 3 years and what I have learned from her regarding friendship is that true friendship becomes solidified through genuine care, integrity, reciprocity, and self-accountability.


I’ve never met someone so genuine about building a community! Can’t wait for her future events!


Tired of inauthenticity in your friendships? Take The Friendship Class. 

Being a part of the Friendship Community Moni has built has been amazing! I had lost hope of making new friends after college. Moni and The Eastside SheTribe quickly changed my outlook on this. I was lucky enough to attend the first Eastside meetup and felt instantly welcomed. Everyone in the group is authentic, caring, and real because Moni exudes that energy and gets it back. Moni organizes such fun events like brunches, dancing, and art projects, so you can participate in whatever you feel comfortable with!


If you’re a woman tired of doing everything alone, take Moni’s Friendship Class.

Before meeting Moni, I felt like it was impossible as an over-50 woman working for myself to make new friends. Now with Moni’s help I have gotten to know quite a few women I really connect with and want to hang out with.


 If you want to feel yourself, take the friendship class!

When I arrived in Seattle, I knew nobody. I had the chance to meet Moni and the community of women she is building and it has been awesome for me. I am getting to know people that I wouldn’t have known otherwise. What is great in this community is that we are all different women with different backgrounds and experiences and we are all getting along well because everything is based on the respect and the love you want to share with people and that you want to receive.

So, for this and for all the amazing talent that Moni has to thrive the community, I can just say a warm thank you to her.  And I am very proud to be a part of of this community.


If you’re looking to improve your social skills, expand your circle of friends, or simply learn how to build and maintain healthy friendships, then you should take the Friendship Course. This course is designed to provide you with the tools and knowledge necessary to form strong and lasting connections with others. 

The Friendship Community that Moni has created is an outstanding example of what can happen when people come together with kindness, compassion, and a genuine desire to support one another. It has been an honor to witness the growth and evolution of this community, and I am grateful to have played a role in it. Moni’s dedication and commitment to creating a safe and supportive space for everyone involved is truly remarkable, and I have no doubt that this community will continue to thrive and bring joy and comfort to its members for years to come.


If you want to develop yourself in a positive manner and focus on cultivating a life and environment that suits not only yourself, but other people as well, then I suggest to take The Friendship Class.

Sometimes the “littlest” steps, lead to the biggest and better ones for your life’s journey!

Before meeting Moni, I felt incredibly lonely moving to a new state half way across the country. I didn’t know anyone, and it feels impossible to make new friends as adults. Sometimes work colleagues need to remain that way, and at that point it’s difficult navigating life in search of fulfilling friendships that aren’t one-sided. After meeting Moni and discovering the Reliable Friendship Community for Women that she built, I felt like I finally had met some genuine people who are kind and open minded. They never judged me on my age, appearance, or unfortunate life traumas from my past.

The community she created revolves around positivity and friendships for people who are looking to find their group, tribe or new-found family. As someone who doesn’t have much, it feels comforting to be part of a loving community of very unique women through all walks & seasons of life.


Moni has mastered the art of friendship and I highly recommend joining her circle and her course, you will never be worse off by having more of the best kind of friends. 

Moni & I have been friends for 3 years and she has added so much love and joy to my life! Her super-power is her big heart, along with clear boundaries and impeccable “friendship standards”.  The first time Moni invited me to her ladies brunch, I felt like I was at Friend Church on Sunday. I was surrounded by women who valued friendship, and prided themselves on being good friends with high standards of reciprocity, accountability and commitment.  As we get older in life, its incrementally more difficult to make new friendships, we feel the hurt and burn from previous failed friend relationships, and we are hesitant to open ourselves up to new people who might break our friend heart again, Moni’s circle is the opposite of heartbreak, in fact, it gives your heart a break from all the fake flakes and straight into community.  Not sure if you’ve heard the studies coming out of the Pandemic, but Americans are more lonely than ever and being isolated and lonely is just as bad for your health as smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, in fact, friendship is the #1 determining factor in living longer!


She gives you an amazing insight to understand what actual friendship is. Moni has a great heart and an awesome mindset. If you want to build strong and real friendships which could be even your family members, then I would absolutely suggest Moni’s friendship class to take. It is completely worth your time. Give yourself an opportunity to recognize your real friend and build strong relationships. Because this class is the one. ~Beyhan C

Moni has taught me many things such as patience, understanding, and receiving as much as giving about friendship. I joined her Eastside SheTribe Community last year 2022. I was just myself and needed to find my people, my real friends.

She taught me what to expect from a friendship and how to receive and give it. The mindset she has is capable of making you understand what is to be a friend to somebody. She, herself being a great friend, does the whole job already. The way she is a friend to you shows how you should be to your friend or how your real friend should look like.

Beyhan C.

Being a part of this friendship community that Moni has built has been nothing short of a blessing and a life-saver.  Before meeting Moni and the other amazing women that have since become my friends I felt all alone in a big city, but now I feel like I belong to an amazing tribe of women who genuinely care for each other. ~Liz C.

I moved to the Seattle area just months before the pandemic hit and knew practically no one in the area.  Once things started returning to normal, I began to seek out friendship and community.  I came across Moni’s SheTribe group, attended one event, and knew I had found something special!

Moni was genuine and intentional with each woman that attended – making time to talk with and learn about each person while also building a sense of community among everyone there.  I instantly felt like I belonged and have felt that way every time our friendship community gets together, whether it’s for lunch and a movie or a big night out celebrating with karaoke and dancing.

Liz C.

If you have any voids, questions, or healing needed in friendship, take the friendship class!!

Moni & I have been friends for 11 years and what I’ve learned from her regarding friendship is….

Monica is the epitome of what a true friend is like. In the past 11 years, she has taught me how to trust and lean in on her when I need her most. She isn’t afraid to give me tough love and encourages me to make better choices if I’m going down the wrong path. In her tough love, she never fails at still making me feel that she’s always in my corner. She never judges and makes you feel less than. She will drop whatever is needed to ensure that she can be attentive and hear your heart. Truly, it has been an honor to be able to walk through life with Monica as my best friend for 11 years. We have both watched each other go through some of the most difficult times together. Monica never once made me feel terrible about the things I went through. She encouraged me and used her personal journey to help relate to me. It made me feel understood and like I wasn’t alone. There have been many days since I have known Monica that I’m not sure how I would have gotten through what I did without her by my side. I can confidently say, Monica is what every best friend should model after.

Niki P.

 I highly encourage you to take this friendship course! You will learn and grow so much! Tiffany L.


I have been friends with Monica since 2016, when I walked into church, and she saw my baby we were instantly friends! She took me right in! She helped me through some dark and rough times back then and was always there! She prayed with me, encouraged me, and helped me through. Everything she puts her mind to she achieves, and I am so dang proud of her! We are on two different paths in our lives, but I know that if I reached out to her and needed anything, she would be there and vice versa. I love this woman!

Tiffany L.

This class is for women of every age, stage, ethnicity, and status.

"Happier Women, Happier World"